
English V - T39

What natural setting in Colombia is a must-see?

 For me, the island of San Andrés is unmissable.  It´s localet in the carribean Ocean, on the Est of Nicaragua and in the nort of Colombian  - You can to the Hoyo soplador, you must be careful on the way is very rocky and in the photos do not stand too close because you may fall.  - Also know the typical and sweet dishes - You can walk at night along the bay then go to the white night, it is  on the ocean on a boat with music  - you can go too the viewpoint during the day which is located on it can be  steep,  you must be careful because it is a cliff.  -  You can dive and see the diferente reefs and species of fish  - Take a tour of the entire island to see the other smaller islands nearby


  COUNTRIES IT SHARES BORDERS WITH -  To the south of Colombian is Perú  - To the east of Colombia is Brazil - To the West lies of Colombia is Ecuador - To the northeast of Colombia is Venezuela  - To the northwest of Colombia iste Caribbean Sea HEART: The capital is Bogota 


  link Video  the use technology  use technology Link Video 2, Use second conditional  https://photos.app.goo.gl/15PFEKdmeu9bQh41A second conditional


  - Describe your favorite holiday in your country.  My favorite holiday is Christmas, the special date is the 24th for Christmas dinner, family gathering, Christmas dinners are a tradition, each family decides what it includes, in my family the celebration stars from the 23rd because until december 25th they are birthday, we put on the most elegant clothes, in many cases new ones, the traditional music is Christmas carols, we listen to the olimpyc station and Joselito´s fifities. the children are given Santa Claus´s gift under a tree after they go to bed, they must go to sleep before eleven at night, light fireworks and give thanks for everithing you have experienced during the year.  - Which celebration do you prefer? Christmas or New Year? Why?  I prefer Chritmas because my family meets almost completely, we do many activities together, but above all it is not such a nostalgic day for everyone.  - What differences do you find between Barranquilla’s ...


 Some time ago they invited me to go to the pool, I really didn´t have much encouragement but I  didn't want to look bad either, so I said that I had gotten sick and I couldn't attend what they gave me thousands of solutions, I felt like a liar, so I decided that it was better to go, however did not feel well, the pool is not my favorite place,  what would you have said? He likes the pool and explain why, maybe he would understand, I think I'll tell him soon 


1. What are your news sources? mention some advantages and disadvantages. The heraldo on instagram, advantage I can read anywhere, disadvantage they are not always complete  2. Look for news reports and use the reported speech. (sugerencia identifiquen las que usan comillas.) 8 reportes https://zonacero.com/generales/desde-el-2-al-4-de-junio-el-buque-escuela-arc-gloria-en-el-gran-malecon The Navy said that the training ship ARC Gloria will be on the Gran Malecon from June 2 to 4. https://zonacero.com/judiciales/trabajaba-en-un-lavadero-llego-un-hombre-y-le-disparon" The relative said that he worked in a laundry room, a man arrived and shot him https://zonacero.com/deportes/oficial-sebastian-viera-se-va-de-junior-despues-de-13-temporadas Junior communicated that it is official Sebastian Viera leaves junior after 13 seasons https://www.elheraldo.co/sucre/sucre-hombre-muere-tras-accidente-de-transito-ocasionado-por-una-imprudencia-en-san-marcos Sucre says man die after traffic accide...


  1. What natural disasters mostly affect our country and what are some of their consequences? The most common natural disasters in Colombia are rains, droughts, earth movement,l earthquakes, the consequences are floods, landslides, food shortages 2 Pandemic: Covid-19. What did the experts tell people all over the world to do and not to do? (Write 5 affirmative sentences and 5 negative sentences)  - AFFIRMATIVE The OMS told us that we should wash our hands every five minutes  The government forbade us to leave our houses  The mayors allowed us to do physical activity in open places The psychologists said that playing games as a family would help our mental health during isolation The university  said that virtuality was betther for students - NEGATIVE The OMS said we can´t be close to other people The government did not allow opening public places such as discotheques  The government said that no more than 20 people could gather in a house  The OMS sa...