1. What natural disasters mostly affect our country and what are some of their consequences?
The most common natural disasters in Colombia are rains, droughts, earth movement,l earthquakes, the consequences are floods, landslides, food shortages
2 Pandemic: Covid-19. What did the experts tell people all over the world to do and not to do? (Write 5 affirmative sentences and 5 negative sentences)
The OMS told us that we should wash our hands every five minutes
The government forbade us to leave our houses
The mayors allowed us to do physical activity in open places
The psychologists said that playing games as a family would help our mental health during isolation
The university said that virtuality was betther for students
The OMS said we can´t be close to other people
The government did not allow opening public places such as discotheques
The government said that no more than 20 people could gather in a house
The OMS said it was not advisable to sleep near infected people
The governments did not allow going out without face masks
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